I was with some drinking with some friends in the Fort last weekend when we saw a Lamborghini Murcielago park in front of the bar where we were drinking. We figured only nice and expensive cars were allowed to park in front because ideally it was a no parking zone. This shows that having a supercar will not only give you power but it can even allow you to break some rules and I found it very unfair.
There really is that undeniable respect that comes from having a Lamborghini Murcielago LP560 in the Philippines. I saw the traffic enforcers disallow other cars to park there but when it was the Murcielago they did not do anything at all.
I also can’t help but wonder what kind of work or business the owner of the car was into. There is that crazy price tag on the Lamborghini Murcielago, and for a country that is considered to be “third world” it can really make you think about those who have an excess amount of wealth.
But then don’t get me wrong because I love the Lamborghini Murcielago. I believe it is a beautiful piece of engineering and art. I am not saying that those individuals who work hard don’t earn to be able to buy and earn a Lamborghini with their profit. I just find it unfair that they would be treated differently just because they are rich or supposedly powerful. Maybe it is a problem with the law enforcers tolerating and giving advantage to these people. Whatever it is I don’t think we should allow that kind of treatment ever. No one should be above the law no matter how rich you
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